Dry Needling
Dry needling is a treatment technique whereby a sterile, single-use, fine filament needle (acupuncture needle) is inserted into the muscle to assist with decreasing pain and improving function through the release of myofascial trigger points (knots in muscle).
A myofascial trigger point, also known as a knot in the muscle, is a group of muscle fibres which have shortened when activated but have not been able to lengthen back to a relaxed state after use. A myofascial trigger point develops a sensitive nodule in the muscle. This hypersensitivity occurs as the muscle fibres become so tight that they compress the capillaries and nerves that supply them. As a result, the muscle is unable to move frequently, obtain a fresh blood supply containing oxygen and nutrients, or flush out additional acidic chemicals.
In addition to this nodule, the remainder of the muscle also tightens to compensate. The presence of a myofascial trigger point in a muscle can lead to discomfort with touch, movement and stretching; to decreased joint motion; and even a temporary loss of coordination.
-Also known as myofascial trigger point dry needling, is an alternative technique adapted from acupuncture and it is an effective way of treating chronic pain and discomfort arising from a tense and contacted muscle.
Breaks down trigger points
Provides relief from pain
Induces deep relaxation
Frequently asked questions
Of course. We offer physical therapies and can treat and rehabilitate any type of musculoskeletal injury or dysfunction.
Definitely. Back and neck pains are 90% of our injury cases here at the Studio. We have extensive record of great results working with chronic and acute pain.
Surgery is a trauma for the body, that can take many months to fully heal. We are here to support and facilitate this process and have all the tools to achieve that goal.
It depends on your needs. Relaxing massage is gentler to the body while deep tissue will solve those knots that cause discomfort in your body. Sancti Fusion is intuitive and will offer deep relaxation along with a sense of lightness as it also works on the body’s energy system.
We found that Craniosacral therapy can provide deep relief from stress and trauma and guide you to a very safe space inside of you. Leading you to a deep, rejuvenating and healing state of sleep.
Please have in mind that chronic issues, like injuries, require consistency, dedication and effort from your part, in order for effects to be visible.
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